
Purpose Builder:
Build out of Prayer
Build on Purpose
Build on Deliverance
Build on Honor and Respect
I am pretty sure I heard this from my Spiritual Leaders and Parents in the ministry. While finishing my walk today my mind was on working in my purpose. Parts of me know I am fulfilling what I am intended to do. On the other hand, there are some things in life that I am unsure of and I wonder where is the doubt coming from the unsurety? Then, I realize this is a familiar place. This is the place that is afraid to move forward because of the uncertainty of what’s on the other side. This spark the investigator and researcher in me to search it out and ask the questions.
"What causes an individual to stay stuck?” well there can be many answers to this question such as:
Not Knowing Your Identity
Ineffective Beliefs/ Behaviors
Fear of the Unknown
Fear is the place where doubt, unsurety, uncertainty lives; if you’re not careful this thing can grow to be bigger than what you can consume and hold...
Do you feel your cup tipping over?
If so, you are allowing your Fear to be bigger than your Faith.
The truth is we all have been uniquely designed and created in purpose. However, somewhere in life you heard a different story. It’s something to think that you are one thing and to find out you are not that at all (this is an ineffective belief). Imagine if you believe you are more than you ever thought you would become.
Can You see it?
Purpose is defined as a noun and a verb meaning you can create it and get desired results when you put it to action. Understanding your purpose helps you to find meaning to life, to put things in perspective, refocus on things that are meaningful and move ahead and enjoy life.
Purpose fuels your passion. It’s a place of self-acceptance, Purpose is the journey taker where all roads lead to attainment of goals. However, while you are on the journey enjoy the scenery.
Purpose is peace, Purpose closes old wounds, Purpose leads and prepares you for service, Your purpose continues to grow daily; it’s just waiting on you to nurture it, attune to it, and care for it .
Oh yeah purpose is humorous because once you discover it; it’s no longer hidden, so it can’t be put back into a box. For your purpose is present and wants to guide your future .
Purpose will challenge your actions, emotions, and thoughts, observing you to see what you are learning from the experience.
Purpose empowers you and supports you and tells you even when you think you are losing you are Winning!!!
The door of purpose is open for You!
“ If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose” Bishop T.D. Jakes
Author: Nakitha Scott " Peaceable Me" (LPC) @ (Restoring Hope Counseling, Consultation & Wellness)
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